Water Disinfection Systems
Envirolyte Water Disinfecting Systems are designed to disinfect:
- drinking water for municipalities and city residential areas
- water for brewing and beverage industries
- dairy factories and food production facilities
- water in swimming pools and for golf courses
- drinking water offshore for airports and shipping companies
- drinking water for restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools etc.

Every Envirolyte water disinfecting system consists of:
- Envirolyte unit (one or more)
- Containers for Anolyte and NaCl solution
- Dosing pump(s) with FAC or ORP controller
Anolyte produced by Envirolyte unit is collected in a container and then dosed into the incoming water (see above). The dosing regime depends on the water flow and quality (properties) of the source water and is controlled by either flow meter or FAC/ORP controller connected with dosing pump.
How is disinfecting achieved?
Aqueous solution of NaCl, electrochemically activated in Envirolyte unit, a powerful, non-toxic, non-hazardous disinfectant called Anolyte is the main disinfecting agent in any EWDS.
Anolyte is a colourless transparent liquid with a slight chlorine smell. It contains various mixed oxidants predominantly hypochlorous acid which give Anolyte highly bactericidal and sporicidal activity.
- Due to very low concentration of active chlorine, Anolyte diluted in the water does not result in any toxicity effects neither forms any toxic by-products.
- Anolyte penetrates tiny pores of the water pipes or any other material.
- Anolyte eliminates biofilm and algae from the distribution system.
- Water pipes and equipment don't have to be rinsed with water after disinfecting.
- Anolyte doesn't harm the original, natural properties of the water.
- Anolyte eliminates chlorine taste and odour, improves taste and odour from algae.
- Anolyte can be stored and kept for further use when the necessity arises.
- Easy dosing.
- High level of safety: no hazardous chemicals produced or used.
- Although seemingly analogous to chlorine, anolyte is unique and clearly superior to sodium hypochlorite in the destruction of spores, bacteria, viruses and other pathogen organisms on an equal residual base. Sodium hypochlorite in concentration of 5% is effective only in disinfection, but not sterilization. Sodium hypochlorite is neffective against cysts (Guardia, Cryptosporidium);
- Most of the pathogens, particularly water born, develop resistance to Sodium hypochlorite over time.Anolyte application, as water disinfectant on a daily basis for more than ten years, demonstrated that microorganisms do not develop resistance against anolyte over time;
- The required contact time for anolyte is lower;
- Sodium hypochlorite loses its activity during long-term storage and poses potential danger of gaseous chlorine emission during storage;
- Anolyte is better soluble;
- The bactericidal efficiency remains in pH values between 4 and 9;
- Anolyte is minimally corrosive primarily due it’s low concentrations and, also due, to the elimination of the caustic element normally found in Sodium and Calcium Hypochlorite;
- The reaction of anolyte and organic materials produces about half of the trihalomethanes as does chlorine;
- Anolyte eliminates existing scale and pathogens harbored in scale and blocks dissolved solids in supplied water from forming new scale. Biofilm is eliminated. Sections of a building are not required to be closed to normal use during treatment;
Legionella has been identified as a major problem in multioccupancy buildings such as hotels, hospitals, hostels, schools, military establishments,nursing homes and office blocks.
Worldwide thousands of people become seriously ill or die through infection by this potentially deadly disease. The costs if a buildings water system becomes infected can be substantial not only in terms of human suffering but also financially.If a hotel is identified as a source of infection it can result in forced closure whilst the problem is treated plus possible lawsuits if people are infected. This means substantial loss of revenues and reputation. In addition in many countries if it is shown that the problem occurred due to the negligence of the hotel or ship operators and staff it can result in large financial penalties or even prison sentences for the individuals concerned. Every year hotels throughout the world are forced to close due to this problem often in the height of the tourist season.Every year people die in hospitals not from the disease that they were being treated for but from infection by this deadly bacteria that they contracted from the hospitals water system. Due to the soaring price of energy many operators of these buildings reduce the overall temperature of the hot water system which can increase the risk of infection by the Legionella bacterium.
Envirolyte anolyte generators can be installed in all these buildings or on board the ships to treat the water system on a continual basis not only to remove the infection but to eliminate the risk of reinfection.
Our anolyte generators give the building and ship operators peace of mind that he is doing everything possible to protect the users of the building or ship passengers from infection and consequently minimizes financial and legal risks to themselves.
Clean drinking water for rural population is normally provided from the water treatment plants, which get the raw water from dams or water pumped from rivers. Still many rural areas particularly remote villages in developing countries are still without water from these sources because of the remoteness of their locations or because it is not economical to provide these villages with the treated water since village population is too small or location is difficult to reach with traditional water supply/disinfection infrastructure.
However, there's water everywhere near or in the villages itself either from the river sources or from the tube well. All what is needed is to treat this water and provide it to the villages concerned using a system that is reliable and economical. Envirolyte Industries International Ltd. in cooperation with its partners has experienced in rural water disinfection system that can meet the above requirements effectively and overcome limitations associated with traditional technologies.
For different information about disinfectant systems and health technologies, please read the these articles alkaline-ionized-generators and anw-type-of-anolyte-generators.